Case Study


Reviving a drink mix company that was past it’s shelf-life.

Cappuccine Drink Mix, the original inventors of the frappe in the early 1990s, approached us to reinvigorate their brand. Despite their innovative beginnings, by the mid-2000s, they found themselves overshadowed by competitors who had replicated their popular offerings, such as their best-selling Red Velvet Frappe. Market share was slipping, and Cappuccine needed a fresh strategy to reclaim its place in the industry.

Our Approach:
Cappuccine came to us for a complete brand transformation and an overhaul of its sales approach, particularly through online lead generation. We started by modernizing their marketing and brand image with bold, captivating visuals that helped them stand out in a crowded marketplace. Drawing inspiration from the owner’s passion for art, we repositioned the brand with a luxurious, artistic identity that resonated with both consumers.

Solution: This revitalized branding captured the attention of retailers, leading to a significant uptick in sales and a stronger, more loyal client base. By elevating the brand’s aesthetic and leveraging bold, engaging marketing campaigns, we helped Cappuccine reestablish themselves as a leader in the frappe market, transforming their tired brand into a modern financial success.

The Process

Case Study: Revitalizing Cappuccine Drink Mix – A Bold Brand Transformation

Our Perspective: When Cappuccine, the once trendsetting inventors of the frappe, approached us, their brand had grown stale and sluggish. We saw an opportunity to breathe new life into their product messaging by amplifying their core strengths in a big, bold way.

Our Strategy: We identified a key challenge faced by coffee shops and restaurants: the constant search for new drink recipes to add to their menus. Leveraging this insight, we launched tailored Google Search campaigns to ensure that Cappuccine’s brand was prominently visible when store owners were hunting for fresh offerings. We combined this with striking, eye-catching imagery to enhance brand visibility and engagement.

Results: These strategic efforts paid off, driving a significant increase in new clients for Cappuccine—rising from 19% to 43% annually. By reimagining their product messaging and deploying targeted online campaigns, we helped Cappuccine become a star in the industry once again, with a revitalized brand and a renewed presence in the market.

This project showcases our firm’s expertise in understanding a client’s audience and developing a strategy that seamlessly blends technology with artistry. By targeting consumers eager for a fresh, exciting drink experience, we crafted a solution that not only revitalized the brand but also captured the attention of those seeking to rediscover their love for innovative beverages.